Lemon Bubble

The Lemon Bubble cocktail combines the iconic taste of our Au Vodka Bubblegum with fresh lemon juice and lemonade to create a sweet and perfectly balanced beverage. A show-stopping cocktail that emphasises the unique colour changing effect of Au Vodka Bubblegum.


  • Au Vodka Bubblegum
    50 ml
  • Fresh Lemon Juice
    30 ml
  • Sugar Syrup
    10 ml
  • Lemonade
    30 ml
  • Lemon Wedge
Number of servings


1. Add Lemon Juice, Sugar Syrup to shaker.

2. Fill shaker with Ice.

3. Shake well.

4. Pour into ice filled Highrise glass.

5. Top with lemonade, leaving enough room in the glass for a double measure of Au Vodka Bubblegum.

6. Top with Au Vodka Bubblegum and watch the colour change.

7. Garnish with Lemon Wedge.

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