Green Watermelon Sour

A refreshing twist on tradition, the Au Vodka Green Watermelon Sour reimagines the classic Vodka Sour cocktail. Combining watermelon tones with zesty citrus and a touch of sweetness, the Green Watermelon Sour is the perfect accompaniment for any social occasion.


  • Au Vodka Green Watermelon
    50 ml
  • Fresh Lemon Juice
    30 ml
  • Sugar Syrup
    10 ml
  • Lemon Wedge
  • Skewered Cherry
Number of servings


1. Add Au Green Watermelon, Sugar Syrup and fresh Lemon Juice to shaker.

2. Fill shaker with Ice.

3. Shake well.

4. Pour into Ice filled Diamond Cut Glass.

5. Garnish with Cherry and a Lemon Wedge.

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